var words = JSON.parse('{"0001":"Login","0002":"Pok\u00e9Stop","0003":"Gym","0004":"Coord","0005":"Report Task and Reward","0006":"Select a Task","0007":"Cancel","0008":"Reset","0009":"OK","0010":"Last Raid Info","0011":"Report Raid","0012":"Start Time","0013":"Pending","0014":"Ongoing","0015":" minutes","0016":" hours","0017":"Default","0018":"ask to edit after the boss appeared","0019":"Add a boss","0020":"Time Remaining in 4 Digits(mmss)","0021":"Select Nest Pokemon","0022":"Last Nest","0023":"Delete the registered nest","0024":"Edit","0025":"Delete","0026":"Last EX Date","0027":"Users who are Lv5 or more are able to report some new info","0028":"The ending time might be 1 minute earlier or later","0029":"Start","0030":"Join","0031":"","0032":"Join","0033":" users","0034":"Notified to","0035":"","0036":"Time to Join","0037":"The number of Joining","0038":"Arrived (Valid for 10 min)","0039":" will join","0040":"Egg","0041":"How to use","0042":"End","0043":"Join in this time","0044":"Cancel","0045":"Gym Changed","0046":"Pok\u00e9Stop Changed","0047":"Nest Changed","0048":"Gym Added","0049":"Pok\u00e9Stop Added","0050":"Nest Added","0051":"Gym Deleted","0052":"Pok\u00e9Stop Deleted ","0053":"Nest Deleted","0054":"Changed from Gym","0055":"Changed from Pok\u00e9Stop","0056":"Arrived","0057":"Found","0058":"Not Found","0059":"Add Comment","0060":"Found at ","0061":"","0062":"min ago","0063":"IV","0064":"Perfect IV!","0065":"Great IV!","0066":"Good IV!","0067":"Above average IV","0068":"Below average IV","0069":"Bad IV","0070":"Check found time","0071":"It might have already disappeared because the time of appearance is unknown. The period of appearance is 30 minutes (long source will be 60 minutes)","0072":"Name","0073":"Lat","0074":"Lng","0075":"now","0076":"Make sure that there are no same name of spots around it","0077":"Report a Pok\u00e9mon that is in the nest after you made a nest on the map","0078":"e.g. Ueno Park","0079":"The time when you found it","0080":"Pok\u00e9mon","0081":"Comment","0082":"the details of IV, note(no-parking area, private land) etc.","0083":"option","0084":"allows to report IV that is more than 91% except some Pok\u00e9mon that have \u201c\u2605\u201d","0085":"If your TL is 29 or less, you cannot report it because IV is not same as others","0086":"Rare \/ Event \/ Friend","0087":"Add Spot","0088":"Posts History","0089":"Posts","0090":"Raid","0091":"Reward","0092":"Nest","0093":"Rare","0094":"Date (Region)","0095":"Evaluation","0096":"Report","0097":"News","0098":"Enter the name Correctly","0099":"Select a Pok\u00e9mon","0100":"Edit spot","0101":"Apply for the exact information on the game. Even if there is a spelling mistake on the game side, please reflect it exactly as it is.","0102":"Set from map","0103":"Drag the marker and specify the spot location","0104":"Set this location","0105":"Type","0106":"Normal","0107":"Sponsored","0108":"EX Raid Gym","0109":"No Raid","0110":"Report that it has been changed to Pok\u00e9Stop","0111":"Report that the gym has been deleted","0112":"Application for deletion of the Nest","0113":"Report that it has changed to Gym","0114":"Report that the Pok\u00e9Stop has gone","0115":"Journal","0116":"Filtering","0117":"Setting","0118":"","0119":"Posted raid info of ","0120":"","0121":"Posted nest info of ","0122":"","0123":"Posted task and reward of ","0124":"","0125":"Post appearance information on","0126":"Report (If your post was fraudulently evaluated)","0127":"Gyms","0128":"Raid Bosses","0129":"Rewards","0130":"Tasks","0131":"Set each Boss","0132":"Show all Bosses","0133":"Set each Reward","0134":"Show all Rewards","0135":"Set each Task","0136":"Show all Tasks","0137":"User ID","0138":"You can set your ID and password in case of the ID changes due to changing phone or cookie deletion etc.","0139":"ID","0140":"Show all (e.g. poke_db)","0141":"Show head (e.g. po *****)","0142":"Hide all (e.g. *******)","0143":"*The setting will be reflected from next post","0144":"Custom icon","0145":"You can change the icon on the map.","0146":"Search by \u0027custom icon\u0027","0147":"Enter URL","0148":"*Custom icons are not provided by MinPok\u00e9.","0149":"Reach distance circle and straight line","0150":"Display both","0151":"Display straight lines to the spot","0152":"Display the interaction distance(80m radius) from current location","0153":"no display","0154":"MAP Type","0155":"Regular map (Esri)","0156":"Clear map (Esri)","0157":"Night map (Esri)","0158":"no setting","0159":"*When you set it high level, you need to enlarge the map","0160":"language","0161":"Push notification","0162":"Push notification is not supported. Please refer to MinPoke user\u0027s guide <\/a> about supported terminals (browser) and DL of application version.","0163":"Notification settings are not turned on. Please change it from the setting.","0164":"Push notification is turned off.","0165":"Distance to Notify","0166":"Raid Info","0167":"No Notifications","0168":"Notify radius ","0169":"","0170":"favorite","0171":"High IV \/ Rare","0172":"Your Location","0173":"Get GPS","0174":"Center (settle)","0175":"Notify Mega raids","0176":"Notify more than ","0177":"","0178":"Notify All","0179":"each boss","0180":"Notify only before eggs hatch.","0181":"Lv of Contributor","0182":"*Lv5 or more is recommended","0183":"Until the End","0184":"Notify ","0185":" min or more until the end","0186":"High IV \/ rare notification settings","0187":"","0188":"","0189":"All Pokemon with high IV(91% or more) will be notified. Please select for low IV notifications that you want.","0190":"Save","0191":"Add Gym","0192":"Add Pok\u00e9Stop","0193":"Add Nest","0194":"Check All","0195":"Uncheck All","0196":"S2 Cell","0197":"Unlimited","0198":"Notify Only Before Hatching","0199":"Fixed","0200":"Post the Weather","0201":"*Post the weather at the center of the MAP on the game.","0202":"Are you sure to post the weather?","0203":"Select the weather.","0204":"Fill color in S2 cell by the weather.","0205":"*The post will be reset every hour on 0min.","0206":"Report Rare \/ High IV","0207":"Recruitment of Friends","0208":"*Do not choose your house or workplace to prevent troubles.","0209":"Please submit in compliance with the posting rules <\/a> when you post.","0210":"Purpose","0211":"Team ","0212":"Code","0213":"Message ","0214":"Disclosure range","0215":"Gift","0216":"1 time","0217":"Best friend","0218":"","0219":"Trainer ","0220":"Enter your trainer code (12 digits)","0221":"Public","0222":"Private(when editing)","0223":"","0224":"Tittle ","0225":"Category ","0226":"Outline ","0227":"Content ","0228":"","0229":"Picture ","0230":"Deadline ","0231":"The start date and time","0232":"The end date and time ","0233":"Quota","0234":"Lv","0235":"PvP event ","0236":"Trade Pok\u00e9 event ","0237":"Raid battle event ","0238":"Gym battle event ","0239":"Other events ","0240":"Unlimited ","0241":"MinPok\u00e9","0242":"Vivillon","0243":"","0244":"","0245":"","0246":"","0247":"","0248":"","0249":"","0250":"","0251":"","0252":"","0253":"Close","0254":"Participants ","0255":"Holding period ","0256":"Deadline","0257":"Details of the event ","0258":"Post","0259":"Aerial photo (Japan Only)","0260":"the place of found Pok\u00e9mon and the weather","0261":"Locating EX Gym","0262":"Locating Gym","0263":"the area that shows Gyms and Pok\u00e9Stops","0264":"the area that shows Pok\u00e9Stops","0265":"the area that is able to get and locating EX Gym","0266":"*the way to use S2 cell","0267":"Search for spots ","0268":"Search ","0269":"Favorite ","0270":"Filter by spot name","0271":"*Within a 10 km radius (max. 200)","0272":"IV calculator ","0273":"Boss ","0274":"Clear ","0275":"Calculate IV","0276":"Not found. Make sure the CP.","0277":"Is it correct ?","0278":"Is it a wrong information? Use filtering if it is not wrong and you don\u2019t need this information.","0279":"Do you report it as the wrong post?","0280":"Do you report the wrong ?","0281":"Regist","0282":"","0283":"Posted lure info of","0284":" - ","0285":"Set from URL","0286":"Enter URL","0287":"How to check the correct coordinates of a spot<\/a>","0288":"Conditions","0289":"Appears for event participants only","0290":"Appears using a lure","0291":"Notify reports that limited event participants","0292":"","0293":"Posted invasion info of","0294":"Rocket Pok\u00e9Stop","0295":"?","0296":"No","0297":"Invasion start time (option)","0298":"4 digits","0299":"* If you do not set the time, it will be active for 15 minutes","0300":"* Team GO Rocket Summary (Japanese)","0301":"Choose Shadow Pok\u00e9mon","0302":"Report Team GO Rocket and Kecleon","0303":"Distance to Notify (Kecleon)","0304":"Post time","0305":"Post contents","0306":"Contributor","0307":"Invasion starts at ","0308":"Invaded","0309":"The post has been deleted.","0310":"First ","0311":"Second ","0312":"Third ","0313":"","0314":"Is this information correct?","0315":"Is this information wrong? Use filtering if it is not wrong and you don\u2019t need this information.","0316":"Are you sure to delete it?","0317":"Do you want to delete EX Raid?","0318":"Did you find the Pok\u00e9mon?","0319":"Did you not find the Pok\u00e9mon?","0320":"Are you sure to delete the application?","0321":"Will you report it as fraudulence?","0322":"Are you sure to post it? You cannot delete Rare Pok\u00e9mon info after you posted. ","0323":"Will you report fraudulence?","0324":"Is the change wrong?","0325":"Will you change the Gym to Pok\u00e9Stop?","0326":"Will you change the Pok\u00e9Stop to Gym?","0327":"Are you sure to delete this spot?","0328":"Are you sure to post a comment?","0329":"Trainer code has been copied","0330":"The current browser settings cannot save the filtering state.","0331":"Your device does not support GeoLacation API.","0332":"The Push notification settings have been saved.","0333":"Enter a 4-digit number","0334":"The report has been completed.","0335":"Trainers who is MinPoke Lv.7 or more is able to report Rare \/ High IV finding.","0336":"There is no spot information","0337":"If you want to check, you need to register the raid information.","0338":"Select an image file","0339":"Please select a JPEG, PNG image less than 10MB","0340":"Ending time of Raid uses current time","0341":"Old screenshots are not available.","0342":"","0343":" raids has been reported.","0344":"Select a Lure Module.","0345":"Zoom in the area","0346":"make less number of contents by zooming in or filtering","0347":"Nest has been reported.","0348":"Deleted !","0349":"Enable the GPS","0350":"Complete the registration of Raid information!","0351":"An unexpected error has occurred.","0352":"Fast Moves","0353":"Charge Moves","0354":"Hidden","0355":"Restricted","0356":"","0357":"Nest : ","0358":"Current Nest : ","0359":"Pok\u00e9monGO","0360":" (Nest list)","0361":"Nest List","0362":"Start at ","0363":":","0364":"","0365":"Looking for Raid informations!","0366":"Raid Boss : ","0367":"Editable","0368":"* Normal Raids will not be held until the EX Raid ends","0369":"EX Gyms in ","0370":"","0371":"List of national EX Gyms","0372":"Reward: ","0373":"Task: ","0374":"Looking for Task informations!","0375":"Using","0376":"unknown task","0377":"List of Rewards in ","0378":"","0379":"List of national Rewards","0380":"Rare report","0381":"Found Time: ","0382":"IV: ","0383":"IV unknown","0384":"","0385":"until ","0386":"","0387":"more than ","0388":"","0389":"Distance to Notify (Lure)","0390":"Posts & Evaluation","0391":"Event List in ","0392":"","0393":"List of seeking friends in ","0394":"","0395":"Cancel","0396":"Editor","0397":"The event has been revised","0398":"The event has been posted","0399":"The event has been deleted","0400":"Recruitment of Frineds has been revised","0401":"Recruitment of Frineds has been posted","0402":"Recruitment of Frineds has been deleted","0403":"hours ago","0404":"days ago","0405":"weeks ago","0406":"* Rare reports are evaluated as \u201cnumber of found \/ not found\u201d","0407":"No favorite spot is registered.","0408":"Before","0409":"After","0410":"the Sum","0411":"Not found. Make sure the CP.","0412":"Distance: ","0413":"Number of spots","0414":"Total","0415":"Name of the spot","0416":"???","0417":"Clear\/Sunny","0418":"Partly Cloudy","0419":"Cloudy","0420":"Rain","0421":"Windy","0422":"Fog","0423":"Snow","0424":"Stormy","0425":"Task and Reward information has been reported.","0426":"Select a gym","0427":" in progress","0428":"Glacial Lure","0429":"Mossy Lure","0430":"Magnetic Lure","0431":"No Lure","0432":"Enter the lure usage time","0433":"Useing time","0434":"Effecting time","0435":"default","0436":" min","0437":" hour","0438":"* Special lure module effect (Japanese)","0439":"Lure module information was reported.","0440":"For ","0441":"","0442":"Event","0443":"Friend","0444":"Changes","0445":"Tittle ","0446":"Large head","0447":"Middle head","0448":"Subhead","0449":"Link","0450":"String","0451":"table","0452":"header","0453":"column","0454":"list","0455":"Locating summary button in S2 cell","0456":"Total IV","0457":"Regist","0458":"Deleting images","0459":"Spot list (within S2 cell Lv14)","0460":"Batch registration of Raid Info(\u03b2 version)","0461":"* ON \/ OFF of registration target can be switched by tapping image","0462":"* It shows Gym candidates up to a certain distance in order from the MAP center.","0463":"Trade","0464":"Edited Pok\u00e9mon Trading ","0465":"Posted Pok\u00e9mon Trading ","0466":"Deleted Pok\u00e9mon Trading ","0467":"Trade","0468":"Pok\u00e9mon Trading List in ","0469":"","0470":"Mail","0471":" Join","0472":"Forgot password?","0473":"Community Day \/ Research Day \/ Regional Event","0474":"","0475":"Apply for accurate in-game information.","0476":"Spot Type","0477":"Change to gym","0478":"Change to Pokestop","0479":"* If it is decided to hold EX, the \\\"EX RAID GYM\\\" tag will disappear in the game, but please register as EX.","0480":"Screenshot","0481":"Example","0482":"Spot change history","0483":"Add to Map","0484":"Nest","0485":"Wild","0486":"Friend","0487":"You can change the spot from level 6.","0488":"The spot is being changed and cannot be modified.","0489":"(Park name, etc.)","0490":"The spot application has been completed. Confirmation will take place within a few days.","0491":"Is this spot actually deleted in the game?","0492":"Is this information correct?","0493":"","0494":" Added (Pending)","0495":"","0496":" Deleted (Pending)","0497":"","0498":" Changed (Pending)","0499":"Details","0500":"Cancel this application","0501":"Yes","0502":"No","0503":"Do you want to cancel your application?","0504":"The application has been cancelled","0505":"Are you sure you want to send a \\\"","0506":"\\\" ?","0507":"Thank you for your evaluation.","0508":"Change History","0509":"Fraud prevention and How to Report","0510":"Confirmed","0511":"Rejected","0512":"Checking","0513":"Report","0514":"Notified ","0515":" people","0516":"An unexpected error has occurred.","0517":"Raid","0518":"Wild","0519":"Notify wild Pokemon","0520":"All high IV \u200b\u200b(90% or more)","0521":"By Pokemon (up to 20 types)","0522":"By IV","0523":"When you tap each Pokemon, it changes in the order of \\\"Do not notify, notify IV 90% or more, notify all\\\", and you can set up to 20 types.","0524":"Do you want to turn on the PUSH notification of Sharing Map? It can be used to notify raids and wild Pokemon.","0525":"Do you want to deactivate PUSH notifications for shared maps?","0526":"* Sample notification","0527":"Notify IV ","0528":" or more","0529":"Cannot check because there are no raid information.","0530":"Since the number of checks has reached the maximum, the oldest checks are deleted in order.","0531":"Recruiting friends is possible from Lv5.","0532":"Raid","0533":"EX Raid","0534":"Delete a post","0535":"Date","0536":"Select a date","0537":"Image","0538":"Please specify an image that shows the date of the EX Raid Pass and the gym name.","0539":"Close","0540":"","0542":"Today","0543":"Jan","0544":"Feb","0545":"Mar","0546":"Apr","0547":"May","0548":"Jun","0549":"Jul","0550":"Aug","0551":"Sep","0552":"Oct","0553":"Nov","0554":"Dec","0555":"Sunday","0556":"Monday","0557":"Tuesday","0558":"Wednseday","0559":"Thursday","0560":"Friday","0561":"Saturday","0562":"Sun","0563":"Mon","0564":"Tue","0565":"Wed","0566":"Thu","0567":"Fri","0568":"Sat","0569":"Week","0570":"mm\/dd\/yy","0571":"Year","0572":"Unknown","0573":"Egg","0574":"Move1:","0575":"Move2:","0576":"\/pokego\/data\/62","0577":"Remote raid list","0578":"Join ","0579":"Waiting at the location","0580":"Participation history","0581":"Post history","0582":"Would you like to report this post on \\\"","0583":"\\\" ?","0584":"Reported ","0585":".","0586":"Menu","0587":"Post","0588":"Zoom in the area","0589":"Event","0590":"Paid","0591":"Switched to mode ","0592":".","0593":"Switched to the display of paid ticket limited events.","0594":"Post a nest","0595":"Nest","0596":"Not Nest","0597":"Number of catches(Optional)","0598":"Number of catches","0599":"* Number of catches when not using Lures or Incenses","0600":"Delete a post","0601":"Capture Time","0602":"","0603":" \/ h","0604":"","0605":" Reports","0606":"Report Lure Module","0607":"Time Remaining","0608":"","0609":"Until about ","0610":"","0611":"Grunts,Kecleon","0612":"Leaders","0613":"Registration Completed!","0614":"Not Invaded","0615":"GO Rocket Leader\u0027s Pokemon and Rewards","0616":"This is a paid event-only task.","0617":"Delete this post","0618":"Search Spot","0619":"Report raids at once","0620":"","0621":"* Tap the image to switch whether to report","0622":"* Gyms are displayed in order from the center of the MAP","0623":"Please enable local storage","0624":"Alola","0625":"I reported the weather.","0626":"Weather","0627":"Wild Pokemon Report","0628":"IV","0629":"Specify IV","0630":"ATK","0631":"DEF","0632":"Comment","0633":"Forbidden posting conditions","0634":"*Less than TL30 (because the PL and IV \u200b\u200bof wild Pokemon are different from TL31 and above)","0635":"*Pokemon using Lure (because it disappear immediately)","0636":"*Pokemon using incense (because it only appears on itself)","0637":"Add Info","0638":"Rank ","0639":"","0640":"","0641":"","0642":"CP is over","0643":"Grunts","0644":"","0645":"","0646":"","0647":"If the Max PL50 and 51 have different ranks, both are shown","0648":"Check with IV Rank Checker","":"","0650":"Found at ","0651":" min ago","0652":"Check found report","0653":"Reporting of wild Pokemon is possible from Lv7.","0654":"Select a Pokemon","0655":"","0656":"","0657":"","0658":"","0659":"Reported!","0660":"Wild","0661":"Report","0662":"Found","0663":"Not Found","0664":"Invite to a remote raid","0665":"How to invite to Remote Raid","0666":"Friend Code","0667":"Minpoke Lv Limit","0668":"Minpoke Lv","0669":" or more","0670":"TL Limit","0671":"Team Limit","0672":"Number of People limit","0673":"Up to 20 people can be added after creating an invitation","0674":"Lv","0675":" or more","0676":"Inviting","0677":"Minpoke Lv","0678":"","0679":"Check invitation","0680":"Request","0681":"Minpoke Monthly XP Ranking","0682":"Join","0683":"Please change the notification of the latest information on the top page<\/a>.","0684":"Do you have AR scan Task?","0685":"I have AR","0686":"I don\u0027t have AR","0687":"Pokemon exchange range","0688":"Show Pokemon exchange range","0689":"Fix exchange range","0690":"Drag the marker to specify the center of the exchange circle","0691":"Fix the circle","0692":"Display the above two","0693":"Display the area where the spot cannot be installed","0694":"AR MAPPING","0695":"AR tasks are tasks that can be obtained by turning the photo discs of some Gyms and Pokestops except sponsored Pokestops. The normal tasks that can be obtained change depending on whether or not you have an AR task when you turn the pokestop.
","0696":"This Pokemon has never been found as a nest before, but do you really want to register it?","0697":"","0698":"","0699":"Golden Lure","0700":"Rainy Lure","0701":"Rocket","0702":"Lure","0703":"the area that shows Pok\u00e9Stops","0704":"Gym Display","0705":"Request for support","0706":"Share the map URL","0707":"Copy","0708":"Copy completed","0709":"Other displays","0710":"exchange range","0711":"Reach range","0712":"Linear distance","0713":"Installation distance","0714":"poke manhole","0715":"List of poke manholes","0716":"
Trade range(40 km radius)<\/div>The range when the Pok\u00e9mon trade distance is expanded due to events, etc. (normally, the radius is 100 meters).
S2 Cell<\/div>S2 cells are the surface of the earth divided equally into specific sizes, and each size is used for various purposes in Pok\u00e9mon GO.
Pok\u00e9-manhole<\/div>Location of Pok\u00e9-manhole in Japan.
Straight line distance<\/div>The straight-line distance from the current location to the target spot.
Reach range (80m radius)<\/div>The range within which you can turn the photo disk of a Pok\u00e9Stop or Gym.
Lure range (50m radius)<\/div>The range where the effect of the lure can reach.
Scanning range (40m radius)<\/div>The range within which AR scanning is possible.
Installation interval (10m radius)<\/div>The distance that must be left between a Pok\u00e9Stop and its sponsor Pok\u00e9Stop when applying for a Pok\u00e9Stop.","0717":"Lure range","0718":"Scan range","0719":"
Raid batch post<\/div>This function allows you to register raid information in bulk by screenshotting and uploading the near-by screens of raids in the game.
Golden lure notice<\/div>This function allows advance notice of the use of the Golden lure.","0720":"Legendary Mega","0721":"Hisuian","0722":"Regular map (OSM)","0723":"Others","0724":"Raid batch post","0725":"Thank you for your report. As soon as information is gathered, this Pok\u00e9mon can be posted as a boss.","0726":"Report of Boss Findings","0727":"Others","0728":"Golden Lure Notice","0729":"Dates of lure use","0730":"Number of lures in use simultaneously","0731":"Golden Lure Notice has been registered.","0732":"Would you like to join this Golden Lure?","0733":"Do you want to cancel your participation?","0734":"You joined.","0735":"Joined","0736":"lll","0737":"Participant List","0738":"Entry","0739":"Joined","0740":"Yes","0741":"No","0742":"Are you sure you want to report \\\"{0}\\\"?","0743":"Not appearing","0744":"Not appearing (Elite)","0745":"Shadow","0746":"432","0747":"Showcase","0748":"Paldea","0749":"Biome","0750":"
Nest<\/div>This term refers to locations such as parks where certain Pok\u00e9mon appear in large numbers. Pok\u00e9mon in the nests change every other Friday at 1:00 a.m(GMT).
Beach<\/div>Locations tagged with \\\"beach\\\" and \\\"coastline\\\" on OSM are likely to be beach biomes and are indicated by blue lines on the map.Because the biome is divided by S2 cell Lv 17, the Lv 17 cell containing the blue line is most likely the beach biome.","0751":"PowerSpot","0752":"Add PowerSpot","0753":"Max Battle","0754":"Add Max Battle","0755":"Complete the registration of Max Battle information!","0756":"Degree of difficulty","0757":"Report that the power spot has been deleted","0758":"","0759":"","0760":"","0761":"","0762":"","0763":""}');